The 7-step edit in Aperture 3.4
Image editors are packed with plenty of adjustment tools. Most of us learn a few of them, and then do the best we can with our photos. And that’s not such a bad thing, since you can improve just about any picture using only a handful of adjustments. The trick is knowing which ones.
I’m going to walk you through seven basic adjustments in Aperture 3.4 that will clean up 90 percent of your images: Crop, White Balance, Exposure, Enhance, Highlights & Shadows, Color, and Edge Sharpen.
Many of these tools should already reside in your Adjustments Inspector. You can add any tool that isn’t already present by clicking the Add Adjustment pop-up menu at the top of the inspector and then selecting the tool from the list. If you want to keep the adjustment in your default set for future work, click the gear icon inside the adjustment brick and choose Add to default set. It will then remain in the Adjustments Inspector.
Add Adjustment lets you view and use various kinds of editing tools.
'Add to default set' will preserve a particular adjustment in the Adjustments Inspector.
There’s so much you can do with each of these adjustment bricks—more, in fact, than what I’m going to explain in this article. But for those times when you need to get a lot of pictures in shape quickly, it’s hard to beat the basics. So let’s take a look at them.
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