Security Researcher Allegedly Used iAd Hack To Make Apple Close Dev CenterLast Thursday, Apple’s online Developer Center went down for maintenance. While the regular outage typically lasts a few hours, it wasn’t until Sunday night that Apple acknowledged the issue. In a message to its developer community and the press, Apple explained that an “intruder” had breached the Dev Center’s database. Apple claimed that no personal [...]The post Security Researcher Allegedly Used iAd Hack To Make Apple Close Dev Center appeared first on Cult of Mac.Related StoriesxRec Sneaks Into App Store, Records iPhone Screen Without JailbreakApple Releases OS X Mavericks Developer Preview 4 Amid Dev Center Crisis‘Chainsaw Warrior,’ A Single Player Board Game From The 80s, Coming To iOS Later This YearApple Hits One Billion Podcast Subscriptions Mark, Celebrates With New iTunes PageCanary: A Simple, Elegant Home Security System That Works With Your iPhone