How to block the Web's worst clutter<article>
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Reader Andrew Locke has no lack of bad luck with unwanted Web content to look at. He'd like to lock out some of it. He writes:</p>
Over the years I’ve found that webpages get more junked up with pop-up ads, pop-over windows, and redirects to pages I don’t want to see. Is there some way to keep this stuff from happening?
As someone who makes a goodly portion of his living from Web-based advertising, I’ll put in a plug for sites that do this kind of thing: Ads and your clicks are what keep many of these companies in business. In lieu of visits from nattily attired executives rattling a tin cup and shouting “Give us money if you want to look at our pages!” ads become the de facto price for viewing online content.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2089468/how-to-block-the-webs-worst-clutter.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
How to block the Web's worst clutter