StorageStatus review: Be a little smarter about how you use your storage<article>
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Connected drives are the lifeblood of my workflow. No matter how much internal storage I have in my machine, I still keep an arsenal of external drives around for backups, music, videos, and anything else I don’t want bogging down my day-to-day.</p><p>
Once they’re plugged in, though, I tend to forget about them, to the point where I often pull them out without properly ejecting. <strong>
StorageStatus’</strong> (
Mac App Store link) active menu bar icon didn’t just alleviate my absent-mindedness, it taught me to identify each drive’s cycles so to better maximize efficiency.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2598303/storagestatus-review-be-a-little-smarter-about-how-you-use-your-storage.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
StorageStatus review: Be a little smarter about how you use your storage