Internet Archive brings hundreds of classic Apple II games to your web browser<article>
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The Internet Archive has been on a roll lately, bringing back classic MS-DOS games, Windows 3.1 software, and even defanged versions of old PC viruses.</p><p>
Now, the site has hit a milestone with its Apple II collection: A group of anonymous hackers have successfully broken the elaborate copy-protection schemes on
more than 500 classic games and programs. The result is that these Apple II classics are now playable directly in modern web browsers.</p><p>
It’s worth noting that’s Apple II collection already spanned thousands of titles—yes, including
Number Munchers—before hitting this milestone. But as archivist Jason Scott
explains in a blog post, a subset of these programs have proven particularly troublesome to preserve in their original form.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/3041342/software/internet-archive-brings-hundreds-of-classic-apple-ii-games-to-your-web-browser.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Internet Archive brings hundreds of classic Apple II games to your web browser