These Beats X-style OontZ BudZ 2 Bluetooth earbuds are down to just $18 today<article>
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<p>The perfect playlist can add an extra boost to your exercise routine, and right now you can get some workout headphones on the cheap.<a class="addLink" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-product-name="Oontx BudZ 2 wireless headphones" data-vars-product-name="Oontx BudZ 2 wireless headphones" data-vars-outbound-link="" data-product-id="000000" data-vars-product-id="000000" data-bkmfr="Cambridge Soundworks" data-vars-bkmfr="Cambridge Soundworks" data-bkvndr="Amazon" data-vars-bkvndr="Amazon" data-editparamvalues="The OontZ BudZ 2 wireless Bluetooth headphones from Cambridge Soundworks are on sale today for $18|Cambridge Soundworks||Amazon|Oontx BudZ 2 wireless headphones|1|Add Link">The OontZ BudZ 2 wireless Bluetooth headphones from Cambridge Soundworks are on sale today for $18[/url]<a class="removelink" href="#" rel="nofollow"><span class="removelink-tooltip" style="display: none;" data-removeparamvalues="The OontZ BudZ 2 wireless Bluetooth headphones from Cambridge Soundworks are on sale today for $18|Cambridge Soundworks||Amazon|Oontx BudZ 2 wireless headphones|1|Add Link">Remove non-product link</span>[/url], down from a list price of $50 and the lowest we've seen them.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/3294714/hardware/these-beats-x-style-oontz-budz-2-bluetooth-earbuds-are-down-to-just-18-today.html#jump">To read this article in full, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
These Beats X-style OontZ BudZ 2 Bluetooth earbuds are down to just $18 today