How to remove a beta profile from your Apple TVIf you're looking to remove a beta profile from your device, it's actually a fairly simple process.
If you've been receiving updates to beta software on your Apple TV, you'll have a beta profile installed. This profile will allow you to receive beta updates throughout the tvOS 13 testing cycle, as well as betas for further updates in the tvOS 13 line.
But if you want to, for instance, stop getting beta updates or move to the public version of the new software once it's released, one of the first things you'll need to do is remove that beta profile from your Apple TV. Luckily, this is pretty easily done.
What is a beta profile?
How to remove a beta profile from your Apple TV
How to leave the tvOS public beta on Apple TV
What is a beta profile?
A beta profile, such as those currently available for tvOS, configures a device so that it's able to receive new versions of beta software as over-the-air updates, much as your Apple TV already does with publicly available software updates.
How to remove a beta profile from your Apple TV