You can transfer game data between Switch consoles, eventuallyBest Answer: "Yes, you will have the ability to transfer between devices, your gameplay experiences," Nintendo of America president, Doug Bowser, said. While there was no official announcement of a game save data transfer system, this confirms it's in the works.
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Nintendo Switch Lite: Everything you need to know
No further details have been announced
Unfortunately, Nintendo hasn't really said anything about the data transfer system from a Nintendo Switch to a Nintendo Switch Lite. Bowser told CNET has only said that the ability to transfer between devices is coming, but offered nothing more than that.
We're talking about data transfer, not data sync
Transfer usually involves moving data over from one device to another. From previous experiences with Nintendo's 3DS handheld line, the transfer system for the Switch — which would mean transferring over the licenses and data of each game from your original Nintend...
You can transfer game data between Switch consoles, eventually