How to use Keyboard Maestro to automate sending an email to a groupWith Keyboard Maestro you can practically automate anything. Here's how.
In the last two segments, we created variables, created counters and read text from a file. Now we're going to create a macro that uses everything we just created to send an email out to a group of users and automatically create a subject with an incremented sequential number.
As noted previously, I use something similar to this to send messages to actors and production staff when I'm stage managing plays. Feel free to change the specifics here to do something more suitable for you.
The Setup
In order to make this macro work properly, we need to make sure a few things are in place:
We need to create a keyboard shortcut for the macro
The Mail app needs to be open
The Mail app needs to be ready to create a new email message
To do this we'll use some Actions we've used in the past and some Actions that will be new to us.
Create a new macro in your iMore Macros group called "Email Cast & Crew"
In the Trigg...
How to use Keyboard Maestro to automate sending an email to a group