TikTok rolls out comment 'dislike' button to all users<p>You now have a way to show your disapproval of hurtful (or simply pointless) TikTok comments. In the wake of a
test this spring, TikTok has
started the global rollout for a comment 'dislike' button. As with other social networks, you can tap a thumbs-down button to express your displeasure, or undo the action if you've had second thoughts.</p><p>The company bills the feature as another way to get feedback regarding "irrelevant or inappropriate" comments. Ideally, a comment with a large volume of dislikes will warn TikTok about hate speech, spam or trolling that it might otherwise miss. That, in turn, could promote healthier comment sections.</p><span id="end-legacy-contents"></span><div id="b4c9aa4463c2452fbcc2cb37bb4a625b"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">