Deals: Apple Pencil Pro, iPad Pro M2 $500 off, Mac mini $150 off, Apple accessories from $15, more<div class="feat-image">
Glowtime baby! Or just about anyway. Before we all huddle around to see
what Tim and the gang have in store this year, let’s quickly
run down the best deals on Apple gear and accessories. Firstly,
Apple Pencil Pro has seen very few deals since its debut in May, but you can score one down at
<strong>$115 shipped</strong> right now if you’re quick. From there we have deep
$500 price drops on the M2 iPad Pro models for folks not interested in paying the M4 prices as well as the return of Amazon low listings on the
M2 Pro Mac mini and some notable offers on Apple accessories, smart home gear, charging units, and more. Scope it all out down below. </p>
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Deals: Apple Pencil Pro, iPad Pro M2 $500 off, Mac mini $150 off, Apple accessories from $15, more