60 Mac Tips for new setups (macOS Sequoia edition) [Video]<div class="feat-image">
</div><p>If you just picked up or plan on performing a fresh install of macOS, you’ll need to change and configure many settings to meet your needs. In this updated Mac getting started guide, I walk through <strong>60 different tips and tricks</strong> to help optimize your setup.</p>
<p>Even if you’re an experienced macOS user, chances are you’ll find a handful of new tips. Watch our video walkthrough, and
subscribe to 9to5Mac on YouTube for more.</p>
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https://9to5mac.com/2024/11/19/60-getting-started-tips-for-m4-mac-users-macos-sequoia-2024/#more-967555" class="more-link">moreâ
60 Mac Tips for new setups (macOS Sequoia edition) [Video]