Consumer Reports Says The iPhone 5 Is A ‘Winner’ And Apple Maps Aren’t That BadThe advocacy group Consumer Reports wasn’t too friendly toward the iPhone 4, even after Apple offered free bumpers. They didn’t even like the iPhone 4S either. But with the iPhone 5 they’re changing their tune and saying that the iPhone is “among the best smartphones in our Ratings and the best iPhone yet.” After conducting [...]Related StoriesThese Spectacularly Cool, Cheap iPhone Halloween Shirts Are Guaranteed to Freak Everyone The *&#@ OutSpend Nine Minutes With This New Sim City Gameplay Strategy Video, Discover Endless ChoicesApple Extends Free iCloud Storage Upgrade For MobileMe Customers Through September 2013Designer Announces Steve Jobs Tribute Desk, Gives Percentage Of Proceeds To Cancer ResearchAT&T Cuts Return & Cancellation Period In Half, Customers Now Only Have 14 Days To Decide