Steve Jobs Was Trademarked In Turkey By A Textile MerchantIn the United States, Apple vigorously protects their treasured founder, Steve Jobs, from the sort of jackals and graverobbers who want to steal his likeness, name or other rights to make a quick buck. Let’s hope Apple has the same pull in Turkey, because someone there has managed to slip a “Steve Jobs” trademark through [...]Related StoriesAudioBox Streams Music To Your iPhone From Almost Any Cloud-Based Storage LockerLearn To Jailbreak Your iOS 6.1 Device Using Evasi0n With This Step-By-Step Video GuideWhy There Were No Booth Babes At Macworld [Macworld 2013]Evasi0n iOS 6 Jailbreak Crashes Weather App On iPhone And Reveals It On iPad [Jailbreak]Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Hits Kickstarter Goal, Coming To iPad