Stilted world views: the Apple doom is coming, it's just a question of when<article>
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In an unbelievable turn of events, a writer for
Business Insider believes that Apple’s dominance of app development is doomed.</p><p>
Shocking, isn’t it?</p><p>
(Just play along.)</p><p>
Take it away, Jim Edwards. Ideally, very far away.</p><p>
“This Diagram We Saw Inside Facebook’s London Office Made Us Think Twice About Apple’s Dominance Of Apps” (indirect link and tip o’ the antlers to
When did you ever even “think” once about it? For you it’s always been a repeat of Windows versus the Mac and developers would start writing for Android only
any day now.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2846012/stilted-world-views.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Stilted world views: the Apple doom is coming, it's just a question of when