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Author Topic: The EyePatch case protects and polishes your iPhone cameras  (Read 584 times)
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« on: February 10, 2015, 09:00:25 am »

The EyePatch case protects and polishes your iPhone cameras

<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p><a href='' title="The EyePatch case protects and polishes your iPhone cameras"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>Ever take a selfie on your iPhone only to realize it's blurry or streaky because there's something on the lens? If so, you may be interested in the EyePatch, a case that comes with a simple microfiber-embedded switch that covers both the FaceTime (front-facing) and iSight (rear-facing) cameras. It's available for both iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 (sorry, iPhone 6 Plus users, but it's not ready for your camera quite yet).</p> <!--break--> <p>The EyePatch case is a soft, flexible silicone rubber cover that fits snugly over the iPhone and protects it from dents, dings and scratches. And a cutout on the back enables you to show off your iPhone's Apple logo, so no one thinks you're using any lesser competitor.</p> <p>What makes the EyePatch special is the hard plastic switch that sits inside the case. It's a cover switch that protects both the front and rear-facing cameras on the iPhone, then slides easily out of the way so you can take pictures without any trouble.</p> <p>If you've ever had a selfie ruined because oil from your fingers or face blurred the lens, you know what a bummer it is. And it's something that's impossible to fix with editing software after the fact. The EyePatch switch for the iPhone 6 solves this with a small patch of microfiber that polishes the front lens a little bit as you move it to the open position.</p> <p><a href='' title="The EyePatch case protects and polishes your iPhone cameras"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>The EyePatch's developer tells me that the protruding lens of the iPhone 6's rear camera makes a polishing cloth there less effective, so there is none; on the iPhone 5 EyeSwitch, microfiber polishes both the front and rear cameras.</p> <p>In either open or closed positions, the EyePatch switch keeps the iPhone's flash and light sensors uncovered (speaker too), so you can still use your iPhone as a flashlight, hear calls and expect the screen brightness to change automatically, even if the lenses are covered.</p> <p>There's another practical benefit to the EyeSwitch: If you've ever been concerned with security — say, taking selfies or other pictures accidentally — having a physical cover over the lens stops that from being a problem. If "better safe than sorry" is your mantra, here's a good option.</p> <p>If you're still using an iPhone 5 or 5S, you have three choices for the case color: Black, white and purple. The company will also sell you separate switches in yellow, white, pink and black if you want to customize your rig. iPhone 6 users can get a white case with black switch or a black case with white switch; iPhone 6 Plus users need to be patient for a while longer before their cases is ready. The company is working on designs for other phones, as well.</p> <p>To be frank, the silicone case is pretty unremarkable. It fits well, but it feels a bit flabby, as silicone cases often do. It's got a soft-powdered finish that feels nice — though it's a magnet for pocket lint and dirt. It certainly provides an additional layer of protection to keep the phone safe from accidental damage, however.</p> <p>The EyePatch switch itself works as advertised, protecting the front and rear iPhone lenses when engaged, easily sliding out of the way to keep the lenses unobstructed when I want to shoot a picture. It's nice having a bit of peace of mind that my iPhone 6's camera lenses are protected.</p> <ul><li>$24.99 - Buy now</li> </ul></div></div></div><div id="comment-wrapper-nid-29830"></div><img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br clear='all'/>

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Source: The EyePatch case protects and polishes your iPhone cameras
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