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Author Topic: Stick a fork in it: Why even ship the Apple Watch?  (Read 362 times)
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« on: February 19, 2015, 09:00:17 pm »

Stick a fork in it: Why even ship the Apple Watch?

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Another year, another Apple product that comes pre-doomed for your convenience.</p><p>
Still writing for the Forbes contributor network (motto: "Weak arguments made weakly. I mean 'weekly'. Or do I?"), Peter Cohan wonders aloud:</p><p>
"Should Apple Scrap Its Watch?" (tip o' the antlers to @JonyIveParody)</p><p>
Never before has an argument been put forth with such detail and care. Well, since John Dvorak said Apple should pull the plug on the iPhone.</p>

Apple has been teasing the public with the prospects of selling a watch — but the Apple Watch looks poised to fall short of the profits needed to make up for the maturing of the smart phone industry on which Apple so heavily depends for its profits.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2885349/stick-a-fork-in-it-why-even-ship-the-apple-watch.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>

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url=]Stick a fork in it: Why even ship the Apple Watch?[/url]
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