Batteriser is a $2.50 gadget that extends disposable battery life by 800 percent<article>
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<p>Bob Roohparvar tells a killer story of industrial espionage. He says the robbery occurred last October at his Batteroo office space in a sprawling Silicon Valley office park. The target was intellectual property surrounding
Batteriser, a simple metal sleeve that promises to give consumers up to
eight times more life from their disposable batteries, AAA through D.</p><figure class="small right">

<small class="credit">batteroo</small></figure>
<p dir="ltr">The crooks clearly knew the building layout, and exactly what they were looking for—namely, a breakthrough technology that, if legit, could blow the lid off an alkaline battery industry that’s worth $3.4 billion annually in the US alone.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2928997/batteriser-is-a-250-gadget-that-extends-disposable-battery-life-by-800-percent.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Batteriser is a $2.50 gadget that extends disposable battery life by 800 percent