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Author Topic: This War of Mine is headed to iPad in July, snags new interactive trailer  (Read 680 times)
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« on: June 04, 2015, 09:00:18 am »

This War of Mine is headed to iPad in July, snags new interactive trailer

<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p class="intro">This War of Mine, a game that puts you in the shoes of civilians during war time, is coming to iPad in July.</p> <div class="video"><div class="video_iframe"><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;controls=2&amp;autohide=1&amp;showinfo=0" width="627" height="353" class="video-filter video-youtube vf-rtzc9raofzo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div></div> <!--/video--> <p>This War of Mine, an intriguing game that launched on Mac late last year, is coming to the iPad in July. Developer 11 Bit Studios made the announcement in a new interactive trailer earlier today.</p> <!--break--> <p>If you're unfamiliar with This War of Mine, the game is quite unique in that it lets you experience the life of a civilian during war time, rather than planting you in the boots of a soldier. The atmosphere is dark and moody, dropping the player in a war-ravaged Eastern European city while they simply try to survive.</p> <p>The game was nominated for and won several awards for its dramatic story telling and unique take on the oversaturated war-themed games market, and it's good to see that it's making its way to the tablet crowd. If you're interested in the premise, look for the game to drop sometime in July for the iPad. In the meantime, you can check out our early look at the tablet version during GDC.</p> <p>Source: 11 Bit Studios</p> </div></div></div><img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br clear='all'/>

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Source: This War of Mine is headed to iPad in July, snags new interactive trailer
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