Against the CurrentC: The Apple Pay rival’s continued false start<article>
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<p>Remember CurrentC? Well, how could you? It still hasn’t gotten started. It’s the giant retail consortium’s little payment method that couldn’t even.</p><p>
“Apple Pay rival CurrentC could be delayed again as retailers jump ship”</p><p>You mean the more complicated, less secure alternative to Apple Pay is going to be even later? Who saw that coming?</p><p>Wait, a funnier question to ask would be who
didn’t see that coming? Answer: These guys!</p><p>Writing for
IT World in October of 2014, Matthew Mombrea
tried to explain “Why CurrentC will beat out Apple Pay in the end.”</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2971514/smartphones/against-the-currentc-the-apple-pay-rival-s-continued-false-start.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Against the CurrentC: The Apple Pay rival’s continued false start