Web design review roundup: Our favorite Mac apps for building a website<article>
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A crowded slate of Mac apps aim to make building a full-featured, modern website drag-and-drop simple. Many even support one of the most crucial new web trends: responsive design, which can automatically switch up your layout to look good on a widescreen monitor, a tiny smartphone, or anything in between.</p>
<strong>Quick reference chart: Web design Mac apps</strong></p>
While no single program currently offers all the power, flexibility, and simplicity I’d hoped for, I did find two particularly strong contenders that at least came within shouting distance of that ideal.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2984967/software-web/web-design-review-roundup-our-favorite-mac-apps-for-building-a-website.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Web design review roundup: Our favorite Mac apps for building a website