iPhone SE diary: Day 1, first impressions<div class="feat-image">
<p>I had two immediate impressions when first picking up the <a href="
http://9to5mac.com/tag/iphone-se/" target="_blank">iPhone SE[/url]. First, ‘wow this feels small!’. Having gotten used to the iPhone 6 and 6s as the new normal, the SE really does feel like an iPhone mini when you first handle it.</p>
<p>But the second, which followed seconds later, was ‘… in a good way.’</p>
<p>I’m old enough to have used the very first mobile phones, which were ginormous. For many years, the primary goal of manufacturers as they introduced successive models was to make them smaller and smaller. Smaller was newer, sexier and more hi-tech.</p>
<p>Picking up the iPhone SE gave me that feeling all over again. It didn’t feel like a step down, it actually felt like a step up. It was like ‘wow, Apple has managed to fit (almost) all of that 6s tech into this much more pocketable phone.’ And yes, this thing fits sideways into jeans pockets, and gives no sense of being at risk of falling out of other trouser pockets while cycling.</p>
<p>My third impression – and I think this is something I could only say to a tech audience like you, because you’ll understand – was feeling like I was welcoming back an old friend. I remembered how much I
love this design. It truly is a classic that looks every bit as great today as it did when it was first introduced …</p>
<p> <a href="
http://9to5mac.com/2016/04/01/iphone-se-diary-day-1-first-impressions/#more-425805" class="more-link">more…[/url]</p>
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iPhone SE diary: Day 1, first impressions