How to Jailbreak/Activate/Unlock iPhone/iPod Touch on ANY Firmware
By: DJ McG
*****NOTE: The jailbreak, activate, and unlock will work with any firmware version and any bootloader.*****Make sure you update or restore to Firmware 1.1.3 in iTunes before beginning this process.
1. Go to and download ZiPhone GUI 2.3
2. Run the .exe and choose where it should unzip the files
3. The program will start
4. If you have a legit iPhone contract or are using an iPod Touch uncheck the box next to jailbreak. If you are using a legit iPhone make sure you have activated it first! Then click Free My iPhone!
5. If you need to unlock the iPhone for use with another GSM carrier make sure the boxes next to jailbreak, activate, and unlock are checked. Then click Free My iPhone!
That is it!
ZiPhone also has other features.Boot in DFU Mode
Boot in Recovery Mode
Boot in Normal Mode
Downgrade 4.6 iPhone Bootloader to 3.9
Erase Bootloader 3.9 Baseband
Hope this clears some stuff up for all of you!
P.S. +Rep is appreciated and this would probably be good as a sticky