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Author Topic: When and why Apple might bring back Touch ID  (Read 467 times)
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« on: May 16, 2018, 04:05:23 pm »

When and why Apple might bring back Touch ID

Touch ID is gone as a single point of active authentication... but not as part of a multi-point passive authentication system.

Despite other vendors starting to ship in-screen biometric fingerprint identity scanners, Touch ID isn't coming back. What smaller batch vendors can do a year later isn't a great indication of what Apple could do a year ago at a scale of hundreds of millions of users whose expectations were set by the speed and reliability of Touch ID 2.

As for this year, Apple burned the Touch ID boat behind them to make sure everyone on every team had no choice, and no fallback, but to make Face ID work. But even Face ID isn't the answer. It's one of many possible answers. It's simply the one Apple could ship at sufficient scale right now.

Just like Touch ID was faster and more convenient than passcode and Touch ID 2 was so fast it barely felt like authentication, Face ID is almost transparent. Most of the time, your phone unlocks or your app authenticates and you're lef...

Source: When and why Apple might bring back Touch ID
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