Lock down your devices with two-factor authenticationHow do you protect your photos, messages, and more from being hacked or stolen online?
Hackers are too good, and security systems flawed. Longer complicated passwords created by generators like Safari's iCloud Keychain or third-party apps like LastPass or 1Password can help, but the best way to lock down your accounts is to add extra security options for a two-step verification or two-factor authentication (2FA). Here's how to go about it.
How to set up two-factor for Apple and iCloud
How to set up two-factor for Google and Gmail
How to set up two-factor for Dropbox
How to set up two-factor for Amazon
How to set up two-factor for Twitter
How to set up two-factor for Facebook
How to set up two-factor for Instagram
How to se up two-factor for Tumblr
How to set up two-factor for Skype
How to set up two-factor for Nest
How to use Authy to manage two-factor
What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication asks you to authenticate that you are who you say you are by supply...
Lock down your devices with two-factor authentication