How to get the new AirPods in the UKBest answer: Right now the best place to get your ears on the new AirPods is getting an order in directly at Apple.
Same but better: Apple AirPods 2 (From £159)
Only place currently accepting preorders
If you want to guarantee yourself AirPods then you need to get a preorder in directly with Apple right now.
Whether or not you use the website or the Apple Store app on your iPhone or iPad, you'll be able to reserve yourself the new AirPods and pay with Apple Pay.
Initial shipping estimates are for March 26 - March 28, and since the original AirPods became very hard to get hold of very quickly, it's probably a good idea to get your name in the hat as soon as possible if you want them. Right now, resellers such as Amazon, Argos, Currys PCWorld and John Lewis aren't showing anything for the AirPods 2, only Apple.
Other resellers such as Stormfront, and KRCS will mostly likely start offering sales from the end of March.
Wireless charging case available separately
The wireless...
How to get the new AirPods in the UK