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Author Topic: How to set up Outlook calendars on the iPhone  (Read 323 times)
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« on: May 18, 2019, 04:05:20 pm »

How to set up Outlook calendars on the iPhone

Microsoft services are ubiquitous across the major mobile OSes, and one of the main reasons to use them is that it doesn't matter which device you choose to put in your pocket. In the case of the iPhone, setting up your calendars can be done in a couple of ways, neither of which are complicated.

Download Outlook for iOS

It's that simple. No, really, it is. The Outlook app for iOS contains both your email and calendars in one application and is hands-down the easiest way to use either of them on your iPhone.

Microsoft acquired a former iOS app, called Accompli, which formed the base of the Outlook app. Everything that was good about it lives on, and it's a winner for getting at your Microsoft-stored important bits on the iPhone.

Not only can you access your Outlook calendars through the iOS app, but you can hook in just about any email address — Outlook, Exchange, Gmail and more besides can all be used with Outlook.

How to set up Outlook natively on the iPhone

If you'd...

Source: How to set up Outlook calendars on the iPhone
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