Control smart home entertainment devices with Sevenhug's newest productsTwo new remote controls are now available
Sevenhugs has introduced two new smart remotes for 2019. The Smart Remote U and Smart Remote X are available beginning today, July 29. Both devices work with thousands of infrared, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth-enabled devices, thereby offering you an all-in-one home entertainment solution.
Compatible with over 650,000 entertainment and smart home devices like televisions, Bluetooth speakers, Apple TV, and many more, both the Smart Remote U and Smart Remote X have been designed to fit into the palm of your hand. The Smart Remote X is described as the world's first remote control that uses Contextual Awareness during setup. During Point Mode, you can aim the controller at any device, thereby seeing the correct controls automatically on the remote face. With its built-in indoor-position system, the Smart Remote X also can know where each device is located in your home for ease of use.
The Smart Remote U and Smart Remote X both include an intuitive ...
Control smart home entertainment devices with Sevenhug's newest products