Pokémon 007 SquirtleName: Squirtle (Japanese: ゼニガメ Zenigame)
Classification: Tiny Turtle Pokémon
Type: Water
Generation: Gen I Kanto Region
Gender Ratio: 87.5% Male to 12.5% Female
Height: 1' 8"
Weight: 19.8 lbs
Evolves into Wartortle at level 16.
Evolves into Wartortle with 25 Candies in Pokémon Go.
Alternate Formes:
Costumed, two variants (Pokémon Go)
How to catch in Sword/Shield:
Pokémon Home
How to catch in Go:
Description: A small, blue turtle Pokémon, Squirtle is the Water type starter Pokémon from the Kanto Region. Squirtle has large, brown eyes and a shell that is brown on the back and yellow on the belly. It generally walks on their hind legs, but can take to all fours to run. It also has a long, curled tail which it uses for attacking. Its shell, which Squirtle can completely withdraw into, serves both as defense in battles, as well as a place to sleep. Squirtle can swim at very high speeds, and shoot both wa...
Pokémon 007 Squirtle