Forget motion sensors, the RoomMe PLS makes automations truly personalRoomMe's sensor aims to make the smart home personal.
Despite the rising popularity of modern smart home accessories leading to a bevy of different devices and platforms, there has always been one common goal: to make the home truly personal. Motion sensors and geo-fencing have bridged some of the gaps that currently exist toward that future, but motion sensors are not personal, and geo-fencing stops at the door.
I recently installed a new type of smart home accessory that takes a slightly different approach to the way automations are handled, the RoomMe Personal Location Sensor (PLS). This rather small and unassuming device installs directly on the ceiling, relying on signatures from paired phones to determine who has entered, and what accessories to toggle on.
Much to my surprise, the RoomMe PLS can deliver on a large portion of this smart home future, reacting quickly to my presence, setting things just the way that I like, and not springing to life for others. As with all thin...
Forget motion sensors, the RoomMe PLS makes automations truly personal