HOWTO: Update to Hackint0sh 10.6.5 by d1ckh34dz*******************************
Anyway, about the update file,
the DMG file is similar with the Win's ISO file, so you can either burn it (using Mac's Toast or win's UltraISO) or mount it (as a virtual storage)
If you decide to mount it, you could open (double click) it using the FINDER within your installed Mac OS X / hackint0sh
then you will have a new storage called the "Mac OS X 10.6.5 Update Combo" which contains the "MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.5.pkg"
Then if you really want to update your Hackint0sh to v10.6.5, you could follow these steps :
1. Download the 10.6.5 update files
2. Create backups of your old Kernel & Kexts:
sudo -s
cp /mach_kernel /bak_kernel
cp -R /System/Library/Extensions /ext_bak-SLE
cp -R /Extra/Extensions /ext_bak-EE
3. Ensure to have a Disabler beeing installed - i.e. Disabler.kext or NullCPUPowermanagment.kext;
there are even patched Kernels with integrated Disabler, but it won't hurt your System to have both.
4. mount the DMG file and run the "MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.5.pkg"
It will take about 10 - 30 minutes, depends on the cpu type
Then you will see this picture:
REMEMBER THIS: DO NOT RESTART YOUR PC YET 6. If you have a non-vanilla cpu (all AMD & Intel's legacy pentium), you have to install this new patched 10.5.0 kernel:
7. You might have to replace both the new SleepEnabler and the new AppleHDA kexts with the new patched ones.
But if the new patched kexts have not been available yet, you could still use (restore) all necessary previous backup working kexts.
8. If any USB devices (i.e mouse, keyboard, storage, etc) won't work after the updating, you have to replace its new kexts with this ones:
9. Delete all caches files in /System/Library/Caches folder
and do the repair permissions, using the Disk Utility and either run pfix or the following commands in terminal:
sudo -s
chmod -R 755 /Extra/Extensions
chown -R root:wheel /Extra/Extensions
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions
kextcache -a i386 -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext /System/Library/Extensions /Extra/Extensions
kextcache -a i386 -m /Extra/Extensions.mkext /Extra/Extensions /System/Library/Extensions
chmod 755 /Extra/Extensions.mkext
chown root:wheel /Extra/Extensions.mkext
chmod 755 /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext
10. If you are 100% sure that all working kernel & kexts have already been installed properly,
then you may press the button to restart
11. Boot your hackint0sh using these flags: -f -v
Only for all non-vanilla cpu users :
- you also have to boot with: arch=i386
- and you may try: -force64 (only if you have 64-bits support cpu)
Good luck