How to complete week four of the Pokémon Go Throwback Challenge eventGet ready, trainers!
Pokémon Go's latest event, Throwback Challenge 2020, is here, and it's going to be a busy month for all you Pokémon Trainers! Each week will feature new Timed Research, and we here at iMore have all the details for week four — Sinnoh Timed Research!
What is a Throwback Challenge?
Throwback Challenges are kind of like Special Research, only with the added difficulty of being timed. When you log in during a Throwback Challenge week, you will gain the Timed Research line in your Today View. From there, you can complete the research over a set period of time, after which anything left incomplete will disappear.
Each week in May 2020 will feature a different Timed Research line, and completing them all will unlock an additional line during the first week of June. The weeks are supposed to begin each Friday at 1 p.m. local time. The third week in Hoenn just wrapped up on May 22, 2020 and now we're moving into week four in the Sinnoh region.
Throwback Challen...
How to complete week four of the Pokémon Go Throwback Challenge event