How to turn off motion controls in Paper Mario: The Origami KingPaper Mario: The Origami King is finally here and with it comes an all new adventure, new graphics, and new gameplay mechanics. One of the new gameplay mechanics incorporates motion control. By tilting and moving your Switch about, you can control certain aspects of Mario's movements. However, not everyone wants to wave their whole Switch around while playing. Fortunately, motion controls can be turned on and off easily at any point in the game.
What are motion controls?
Throughout your adventures as Paper Mario, you will learn Paper Techniques - special skills that allow Paper Mario to interact with the world around him in new ways. The first Paper Technique you'll learn, the 1,000-Fold Arms, for example, let's Paper Mario peel back walls, open valves, and even attack bosses. Initially, you will control the 1,000-Fold Arms with motion controls. You will be prompted to tilt the Switch (or the Joy-Cons if you're not playing in handheld mode) to move Paper Mario's massive folded ar...
How to turn off motion controls in Paper Mario: The Origami King