Rare 4GB sealed original iPhone up for grabs, how much is it worth?<div class="feat-image">

</div><p>Last year we saw a drop in sealed original iPhone auction prices. But in July, a very rare 4GB model tripled the record as it sold
for $190,000. Now what may be the first
4GB sealed original iPhones is up for auction in 2024. Can it challenge the $190,000 record?</p>
<a href="
https://9to5mac.com/2024/03/11/rare-4gb-sealed-original-iphone-up-for-grabs/#more-937877" data-post-id="937877" data-layer-pagetype="post" data-layer-postcategory="auction,iphone" data-layer-viewtype="unknown" class="more-link">moreā
Rare 4GB sealed original iPhone up for grabs, how much is it worth?