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Author Topic: LG's S95TR soundbar with wireless Dolby Atmos is now available for $1,500  (Read 174 times)
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« on: April 19, 2024, 04:05:03 pm »

LG's S95TR soundbar with wireless Dolby Atmos is now available for $1,500

<p>In typical LG fashion, the company is <a data-i13n="cpos:1;pos:1" href="">following up[/url] its CES soundbar announcement with pricing and availability info a few months later. The company's latest Dolby Atmos model, <a data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:Amazon;elmt:;cpos:2;pos:1" href=";siteId=us-engadget&amp;pageId=1p-autolink&amp;featureId=text-link&amp;merchantName=Amazon&amp;custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5hbWF6b24uY29tL0xHLTktMS01LVdpcmVsZXNzLVNvdW5kYmFyLVNwZWFrZXJzL2RwL0IwQ1g5Q0pZOU5odHRwczovL3d3dy5lbmdhZGdldC5jb20vbGctczk1dHItYW5kLXNnMTB0eS1maXJzdC1sb29rLXR3by10YWtlcy1vbi13aXJlbGVzcy1kb2xieS1hdG1vcy1mb3ItaG9tZS10aGVhdGVyLTE1NDU1MTczNi5odG1sP3RhZz1nZGd0MGMtcC12LWYwLTIwIiwiY29udGVudFV1aWQiOiJlMzZhMTdhMy02YTMwLTQxYzQtYWZhYy1lZmJjNDYzYjQzYWEifQ&amp;signature=AQAAAZd7TCglgmYZ5bZCWg77ydSrx0s6OK9GRlcRuFu-ET_L&amp;" class="rapid-with-clickid" data-original-link="">the S95TR[/url], is now available from LG and other retailers <a data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:Amazon;elmt:;cpos:3;pos:1" href=";siteId=us-engadget&amp;pageId=1p-autolink&amp;featureId=text-link&amp;merchantName=Amazon&amp;custData=eyJzb3VyY2VOYW1lIjoiV2ViLURlc2t0b3AtVmVyaXpvbiIsImxhbmRpbmdVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5hbWF6b24uY29tL0xHLTktMS01LVdpcmVsZXNzLVNvdW5kYmFyLVNwZWFrZXJzL2RwL0IwQ1g5Q0pZOU4_dGFnPWdkZ3QwYy1wLXYtZjAtMjAiLCJjb250ZW50VXVpZCI6ImUzNmExN2EzLTZhMzAtNDFjNC1hZmFjLWVmYmM0NjNiNDNhYSJ9&amp;signature=AQAAAbATmBjPq8B-cI43zUp3oht7er3GiyEf9gHGDHtJ-4Fi&amp;" class="rapid-with-clickid" data-original-link="">for $1,500[/url]. That's pricey for sure, but the company has bundled the soundbar with a subwoofer and a pair of rear surround speakers. That means completing your setup won't require additional purchases.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Inside, the S95TR houses 17 speakers, including five up-firing drivers. LG says this soundbar is the first to feature a center-positioned, up-firing speaker, which enhances dimensional audio and helps with dialog clarity. LG explains that it also upgraded the tweeters in the S95TR and it integrated passive radiators. This combo keeps high frequencies clear while also delivering 120Hz low-frequency response in a 9.1.5-channel setup.&nbsp;</p>
<span id="end-legacy-contents"></span><p>The company's Wowcast tech allows the S95TR to connect to compatible LG TVs wirelessly, including the transmission of Dolby Atmos and DTS:X without a cable. Wow Orchestra can utilize the speakers of an LG TV with the soundbar for "a harmonious fusion of audio channels." There's also the company's 3D Spatial Sound Technology that analyzes audio channels with a three-dimensional engine to make things as immersive as possible. AI Room Calibration is here as well, which will include the rear surround speakers in its room tuning for the first time this year.&nbsp;</p>
<p><core-commerce id="e5a287e57f2540dcbff3c906cab0088a" data-type="product-list"></core-commerce></p>
<p></p>This article originally appeared on Engadget at

Source: LG's S95TR soundbar with wireless Dolby Atmos is now available for $1,500
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