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Author Topic: Look, this is the definitive answer to what ‘Air’ in iPad Air really means  (Read 103 times)
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« on: May 19, 2024, 04:05:09 pm »

Look, this is the definitive answer to what ‘Air’ in iPad Air really means

<div class="feat-image"></div><p>Remember when Apple discontinued the original HomePod and still sold the HomePod mini? The question at the time was “mini compared to what?” Apple later revived the HomePod with a second-gen model, restoring balance to the universe.</p>

<p>Now the iPad lineup is in a similar situation. Apple blasted the  with its Super Galactic Thinnifier 3000 Ray Gun, leaving the M2 iPad Air thicker than its pricier companion. In a world where Air means thin, the question is then “thin compared to what?” </p>

<p>The answer exists in the annals of etymology.</p>

 <a href="" data-post-id="948984" data-layer-pagetype="post" data-layer-postcategory="ipad,ipad-air,ipad-pro" data-layer-viewtype="unknown" class="more-link">moreLook, this is the definitive answer to what ‘Air’ in iPad Air really means
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