Hands-on with AirPods 4: better in every way<div class="feat-image">
</div><p>, and they are awesome. As a pair of on-ear wireless earbuds, they are really hard to fault. I have used AirPods 2 for the past five years — skipping the third-generation model due to fit concerns — and AirPods 4 are what I have been waiting for. </p>
<p>The new AirPods are available in two models: $129, or . I have the ANC buds and I’m thrilled with them, but I predict even the base model is going to drive a lot of sales this holiday season. </p>
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https://9to5mac.com/2024/11/23/airpods-4-hands-on-review/#more-969820" class="more-link">moreâ
Hands-on with AirPods 4: better in every way