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Author Topic: Audible's Black Friday deal is back with three months of access for $3  (Read 74 times)
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« on: January 11, 2025, 04:05:03 pm »

Audible's Black Friday deal is back with three months of access for $3

<p>Here's a tasty little offer for the audiobook buffs (or would-be audiobook buffs) out there. Newcomers to Audible can get three months of access to the Premium Plus plan for $1 per month, or <a data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;sellerN:Amazon;elmt:;cpos:1;pos:1" href=";siteId=us-engadget&amp;pageId=1p-autolink&amp;contentUuid=41ea0fc3-4f05-4c6a-bf30-5aea06fe2513&amp;featureId=text-link&amp;merchantName=Amazon&amp;custData=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&amp;signature=AQAAAUTxvcwFWyiyn2dev-_tXIrhUOTTpzVqKQnLMlz118N8&amp;" class="rapid-with-clickid" data-original-link=";node=18145289011">a total of $3[/url]. Given that the subscription typically costs $14.95 per month, you can save nearly $42 compared with the regular price.</p>
<p>This is a reprise of <a data-i13n="cpos:2;pos:1" href="">Audible's Black Friday deal[/url]. It's available until January 21.</p> <span id="end-legacy-contents"></span>
 <core-commerce id="a3154545fef843b0ac0be249dd3ded3c" data-type="product-list" data-original-url=";node=18145289011"></core-commerce></p>
<p>This is a solid deal for either yourself or someone special in your life <a data-i13n="cpos:3;pos:1" href="">who loves books[/url]. The Audible Premium Plus plan gives you one credit a month to unlock any audiobook of your choosing. You'll retain access to those audiobooks even after your subscription lapses.</p>
<p>Along with that, Premium Plus subscribers get access to a library of other audiobooks they can listen to while their plan remains active. The service also includes a string of <a data-i13n="cpos:4;pos:1" href="">Audible Originals[/url] as well as podcasts. That's not bad at all for a buck a month. If, after a couple of months, you decide Premium Plus isn't for you, you can always cancel the plan before the price jumps up.</p>
<p>Follow <a data-i13n="cpos:5;pos:1" href="">@EngadgetDeals[/url] on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice.</p>This article originally appeared on Engadget at

Source: Audible's Black Friday deal is back with three months of access for $3
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