Deals: 1TB M4 Pro MacBook Pro $250 off, M2 MacBook Air from $749, Midnight HomePod mini, Smart Folios at 25% off, more<div class="feat-image">

</div><p>While the notable deals on
iPad mini 7 and the
M4 iPad Pro carry on, today we are featuring up to
<strong>$200 off</strong> the
M2 iPad Air and some MacBook offers. Amazon is now serving up to
1TB M4 Pro MacBook models at <strong>$250 off</strong> alongside the previous-generation
M2 MacBook Airs with 16GB of RAM at up to
<strong>$500 off</strong> the original price tag. On the accessory side of things, we have some rare price drops on the Tan
Alpine Loop (medium size), the
Midnight HomePod mini, and Appleās 11-inch M4 iPad Pro and M2 Air
Smart Folios at 25% off. Everything else awaits below. </p>
<a data-layer-pagetype="post" data-layer-postcategory="9to5toys,9to5toys-lunch-break,deals" data-layer-viewtype="unknown" data-post-id="989767" href="" class="more-link">moreā
Deals: 1TB M4 Pro MacBook Pro $250 off, M2 MacBook Air from $749, Midnight HomePod mini, Smart Folios at 25% off, more