if your wifi grayed out ....WiFi ....No WiFi you have to fix it with this solution this is the only solution for this problem coz i had have the same prob. and was looking for solution about 2 months ...
1- Downgrade to 1.1.4 .
2- jailbreak by iLiberty 1.3.
3- remove iLiberty 1.3. and setup iLiberty 1.2 (don't update it it'll ask for that).
4-then download this payload from here.
http://3p9llw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p8dYHnDAUxwK2aF3CGfpn4wPYXdWg3td8PgOfJHdxN_QMppwbPtHrW0fsvlVaU_aRTYBvsAAuBkU/payload.zip?download5- go to C:/programfile/iLiberty you will find payload folder rename it to payload.old and extract the payload you downloaded .
6- restat the program and go to advanced you will find in available list ( bsd subsytem, terminal, swifi, bootneuter) mark all of them and press Go for it! you will find in your iphone the bootneuter icon and terminal icon .
7- press on the bootneuter icon and do this like the pic.

8- press on the term icon it will ask for password .it must be ..username : mobile or root password : alpine
9- do this commands like this make the capital letters capital and the small letters small.
cd /usr/bin
chmod +x swifi
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
killall -9 CommCenter
if says
wifi fixer
by MuscleNerd, gray, and the iPhone Dev Team
Actions taken:
Backup table checksum was corrected
Active table was restored from backup
then it did something and your wifi, bluetooth is hopefully fixed. Reset Network Settings from settings->general->reset menu and reboot the phone.
if it said-"
# swifi
wifi fixer
by MuscleNerd, gray, and the iPhone Dev Team
Nothing to fix!
Notice : make the capital letters capital and the small letters small.
10- reset the network setting then you will find your wifi again..
Goodluck bro.