iPad 3 Has Entered Production For March With Quad-Core Processor And LTE [Rumor]Bloomberg is reporting that Apple’s next-generation iPad will feature a quad-core processor and LTE/4G data speed capability. The tablet has reportedly entered production and is slated for a March launch. According to the report, the iPad 3 will feature a hi-res display, faster processor, and compatibility with LTE. Full production is expected to begin in [...]Related StoriesiTunes Gets The “Quick Look” Preview Treatment For Apps And VideoWith iPad, You No Longer Have To Learn Board Game Rules [CES 2012]Friday Night Fights: What’s Better? The 3.5-inch iPhone or Android’s 4+ inch superphones?Apple’s War On Amazon Starts ThursdayThe Most Talked-About Gadget at CES Was Probably This Ultra-Cool Fuji Camera [CES 2012]