I cant give definitive advice and am only just venturing to build my own hackintosh but this article may be of interest as it uses the same MoBo as yours..
http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1137487/bloke-builds-hackintoshTHis may also be of interest
http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2009/09/install-snow-leopard-on-your-hackintosh-pc-no-hacking-required/Also this article
However, the Snow Leopard upgrade DVD does not require that you have Leopard installed; it?s a full install disc that works on any Intel Mac. Similarly, as with every version of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard does not require activation or a registration code; Apple continues to rely on the honor system. This is great for Leopard users, as it makes it much easier to install Snow Leopard on your Mac without having to jump through hoops; for example, if you decide to erase your hard drive before installing Snow Leopard, you don?t have to first install Leopard.