The Macalope Daily: Peak crazy
If it seems like the horny one is spending a lot of time chewing up and spitting out Forbes columns recently, it’s because it’s all part of his new year’s resolution to get in better shape. You should see the size of his masseter muscle right now. It’s huge. There’s a lot to chew on in your average Forbes column about Apple, much of it a tough, reedy substance like raw bamboo.
Richard Saintvillus tells us “Why Apple Should Hang-up On The iPhone, iWear Is Next” (tip o’ the antlers to Brad Skidmore).
And that “hang-up” is not the act of Forbes’s ace title-writing staff. Read on … if you dare.
Aside from some end-of-year tax selling and concerns regarding the fiscal cliff, shares of Apple took a brutal beating towards the end of 2012. The reason – there is a broad belief that the company no longer knows how to innovate.
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