Instagram update adds video imports at long last
Instagram is doing everything in its power to point out the differences between its videos and Vines. Now you can import videos to the app from your Camera Roll, a feature Instagram CEO Kevin
Systrom promised back in June.
Instagram 4.1 lets you import, edit, and upload video clips.
Instagram 4.1, which rolls out today to iOS and Android users, doesn’t just let you import a video: When you
upload a clip, you can also edit it down to the 15 seconds you like best. After selecting the best section, you can choose a custom crop to fit with
Instagram’s square format. Basically, the app adds all of the tools you can already use on photos.
Android users using 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich now have access to Instagram video as part of Wednesday’s update. Android isn’t getting another feature
Instagram added today, however. The app now lets users straighten their photos taken in-app—just tap the new Straighten icon, and the photo will magically
level out. The tool also lets you rotate or adjust photos. Straighten is only available for iOS users for now.
Vine doesn’t allow imports, editing, or any tools that stray too far from the basic 6-second loops. But Instagram’s main competitor has been busy rolling out updates in recent weeks,
including revines, grids, ghost effects, and themed channels.
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