The Week in iOS Apps: Play ball!<article class="slideshow"><figure class="slide"><figcaption>Play ball!</figcaption><img data-imageid="100262220" src="" data-thumb-src="" alt="weekiniosapps copy"/><div class="slideBody"><p>This week’s roundup of new and updates apps includes stuff for baseball fans, foodies, and lovers of “Duck Dynasty.” There's something for everyone.</p></div></figure><figure class="slide"><figcaption>A&E/History Channel</figcaption><img data-imageid="100262218" src="" data-thumb-src="" alt="ae"/><div class="slideBody"><p>Folks who love their Duck Dynasty and/or endless documentaries about World War II are in luck. Both the
A&E and
History Channel apps for iPhone and iPad were updated this week with the capability to let you view programming live as it airs, as long as you sign in with a password from your TV provider.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2145021/the-week-in-ios-apps-play-ball.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
The Week in iOS Apps: Play ball!