The 11 apps every brand-new iPad needs first<article class="slideshow"><figure class="slide"><figcaption>Trick out your new toy</figcaption><img data-imageid="100635324" src="
" data-thumb-src="
" alt="christmas ipad"/><p class="slideCredit">Image by <span class="slideCreditText">Christopher Phin</span></p><div class="slideBody"><p>If under your Christmas tree you found a new iPad—regardless of whether or not you put it there yourself
for yourself because you work hard dammit—then you’ll quickly find yourself wanting to add apps to it so that it becomes even more amazing. There are more than million in the App Store, however, so choosing which ones to get is a daunting task.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/3018479/ios/the-11-apps-every-brand-new-ipad-needs-first.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
The 11 apps every brand-new iPad needs first