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Author Topic: Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!  (Read 740 times)
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« on: October 02, 2014, 03:00:33 am »

Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!

<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p><a href='' title="Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>When Apple first introduced <a href="" title="Touch ID fingerprint identity scanner, tips, problems, help, and how-to">Touch ID[/url] in 2013, they only allowed you to utilize it for unlocking your iPhone and for confirming App Store purchases. Now, thanks to <a href="" title="iOS 8 news, rumors, speculation">iOS 8[/url], app developers can securely take advantage of Touch ID to protect and secure purchases, notes, passwords, and other kinds of app data. These are currently the <a href="" title="Best apps for iPhone">best iPhone apps[/url] that take advantage of Touch ID in a useful and meaningful way!</p> <!--break--> <h2>1Password</h2> <p><a href='' title="Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>1Password is one of our favorite password apps and now lets you easily unlock the app itself using Touch ID. Just like your master password, you can set Touch ID unlocks to time out at whatever increments you'd like. You will however need to enter your master password whenever you reboot your device for security reasons, which is expected considering this is the same behavior used by Apple for iTunes purchases and unlocking your iPhone.</p> <p>If you want a secure way to store your passwords, 1Password has made it more convenient than ever.</p> <ul><li>Free with IAP - <a href=";at=10l3Vy&amp;ct=d_im" title="" rel="nofollow">Download Now[/url]</li> </ul><h2>Scanner Pro</h2> <p><a href='' title="Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>If you scan a lot of documents, Scanner Pro is arguably one of the best scanner apps around. Depending on the kind of documents you scan, you may want to password protect your data. Now with iOS 8 and Touch ID support, Scanner Pro can let you unlock your documents with just a finger press. Definitely worth it for those that find themselves dealing with contracts and PDF scans on a daily basis.</p> <p>If you live inside sensitive document scans on your iPhone and iPad, Scanner Pro is your best bet.</p> <ul><li><strike>$6.99</strike>, on sale for $2.99 - <a href=";at=10l3Vy&amp;ct=d_im" title="" rel="nofollow">Download Now[/url]</li> </ul><h2>Mint</h2> <p><a href='' title="Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>Mint helps you manage your personal finances so you know exactly where your money is going. As most of us know, our financial information is one of the most sensitive types of data. Not only that, Mint also integrates credit scores if you choose which means even more data at risk. Luckily, you can now protect that data not only with a passcode, but with Touch ID too.</p> <p>If you need help managing your finances but consider security a top priority, go with Mint.</p> <ul><li>Free - <a href=";at=10l3Vy&amp;ct=d_im" title="" rel="nofollow">Download Now[/url]</li> </ul><h2>Amazon</h2> <p><a href='' title="Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>It's arguable that you can buy almost anything off Amazon, and one of the best ways to do just that is with the Amazon app for iPhone and iPad. Unfortunately, just like anything else, you'll need to enter your password for security reasons in order to complete purchases. Well, not anymore if you've got a Touch ID capable device running iOS 8. You can now set it to use that instead so you don't have to worry about typing in passwords every time you want to purchase something impulsively Amazon. We'll let you decide if that's a good or bad thing.</p> <p>For frequent Amazon shoppers, Touch ID makes it easier than ever to complete purchases in mere seconds.</p> <ul><li>Free - <a href=";at=10l3Vy&amp;ct=d_im" title="" rel="nofollow">Download Now[/url]</li> </ul><p>Note: Touch ID for Amazon purchase is currently only available in limited countries.</p> <h2>Screens VNC</h2> <p><a href='' title="Best Touch ID compatible apps for iPhone: Protection and convenience all in one!"><img src='' />[/url]</p> <p>Screens VNC is one of the best remote desktop apps for not only iPad, but for iPhone as well. Setup is dead simple and using it is even easier to get the hang of. However, the last thing you'll want someone to have access to if your iPhone gets lost is your computers. With new Touch ID integration, you can still access your remote desktops in seconds, but can rest assured that no one else can.</p> <p>If you need remote access to your computers on your iPhone, Screens VNC is one of the safest and convenient ways to do it.</p> <ul><li>$19.99 - <a href=";at=10l3Vy&amp;ct=d_im" title="" rel="nofollow">Download Now[/url]</li> </ul><h2>Your favorite Touch ID compatible apps?</h2> <p>If you've come across apps that have made your life better without sacrificing security in order to do so, be sure to let me know which ones in the comments!</p> </div></div></div><div id="comment-wrapper-nid-27382"></div><img width='1' height='1' src='' border='0'/><br clear='all'/>

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